What are the advantages of aluminum plates for construction?

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14th July

What are the advantages of aluminum plates for construction?

Aluminum plates have a beautiful and durable function. The aluminum plate has the performance of anti -rust and corrosion resistance. Compared with white iron skin, the aluminum plate has a long service life. It can adapt to the outdoor environment when it is better. It is not easy to corrode and the surface is beautiful. Essence The fire -proof function, thermal heating function, and fire resistance of aluminum plates are also very good. The aluminum plate will not melt at high temperature. It just forms a pore -shaped caramel with less smoke and strong anti -lustrior. At high temperature, because of its outstanding thermal insulation function, its appearance is only heating up, agile generates coking, and has anti -flame extension and maintains the inner core without replenishment, showing an outstanding fire -proof function.

The aluminum plate has a two -layer insulation function. It is done to test the two layers of insulation of the aluminum plate. After the mold of the polyurethane foam is attached to an aluminum foil. After the foaming is formed, the aluminum foil has the effect of the molding agent, and the other side and the other side and the other side with The foam is concerned together, which enhances the wind pressure of the aluminum plate, which is enough to clarify the two layers of insulation of the aluminum plate.

The cost of aluminum plates, the density of aluminum plates is low, so the quality of aluminum plates under the same area must be light, the recovery value is high, and the service life of aluminum plates is 3-5 times that of white iron skin. cost. The common specifications of aluminum plates are generally most commonly used between 0.3mm-1.0mm. Aluminum plates can be customized at 0.25mm-6.0mm. Width: Generally, products such as aluminum rolls, insulation aluminum, aluminum bands, aluminum alloy plates such as 10mm-1500mm, and aluminum band products such as anode oxidation, mirror surface, brushes, and color coats. The conventional specifications have inventory and can be delivered within two days to shorten the production cycle for users. It can be set aside according to the requirements of the user to reduce waste, suitable for the production needs of curtain walls and signs, and reduce production costs for users. Our advantage: The aluminum plate belt is straight and straight, the surface quality is good, and the flatness is high.

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